

作者:master         标签: 音乐  摇滚  后摇  想法            发布时间:2018-05-24 22:30:37          0


音乐 只是我们爱的一种方式 声音玩具的音乐总是难以被这样或那样的定义, 相对于那些风格化的乐队来说过于多元化的音乐元素则是声音玩具乐队音乐难于被归类的重要原因,人们已经习惯用转瞬即逝的背影或者一个刹那的侧面来记忆那些美好的事物,但这种观察和欣赏的方式也许并不能够完整的了解声音玩具的音乐。
如果他们有幸和听众一起成长,再如果他们的音乐有幸和听众在热烈的现场交流,那么如同我们感怀着人性的复杂 人们也许将看到另一种鲜活的音乐及生活的态度。
Founded in 1999 in Sichuan China,by the talented guitar/songwriter Ou Jiayuan, Soundtoy became one of the most influential bands in the Chinese rock music scene during the last decade.
Playing all the biggest festivals and selling out shows all over China helped them to obtain an iconic status within the country.
Compared to most of the Chinese independent rock bands, Soundtoy always insist to write songs in their native language.
They devoted themselves into the creation of lyrics and melody.
Soundtoy is known for breaking musical boundaries, and they are always looking for a new dynamic within their songs.
Always being open-minded, always being readable are the principles they’ve pursued all the time. Ou Jiayuan (Guitar/Vocals/Writer), Li Zhe (Guitar),XuYi (Guitar), Hu Kai(Bass), Wang Yong( Drum), 声音玩具微博 http://weibo.com/soundtoy2011

